Jeg har hørt, at det skulle være moderne at skille krop og sjæl. Hænder og forstand. Det kan min krop ikke forstå. Og forstanden får ondt i maven.
My intension with this blog is not only - as might be anticipated by the sheer title - to share my thoughts and work on Hekatomnid Karia and in particular the archaeology & history of ancient Halikarnassos. But what is more - or perhaps less - to report from the life and deeds of an archaeologist in transformation...
on Artemisia..
Artemisia was a local tyrant of Halikarnassos in the early 5th century BC. She fought together with Xerxes the Great at the naval battle of Salamis in 480 BC - and she was renowned by the Achaemenid Great King as a wise and courageous woman. Most probably she was neither nice nor kind. But she fascinates me...